Planning for Christmas 2025

Yes, you read that correctly and no, it’s not a typo! I said planning for Christmas 2025.
January might seem way too early for some to think about a Christmas that is twelve months away. You may still be working your way through all the Christmas party food and cheese you bought for this year, have just packed up the decorations, or started back at work. However, with the rising costs of Christmas that run alongside all the not-so-fun adult bills like mortgages/rent and energy bills, it does make sense to start planning ‘Next Christmas’ as soon as possible.
Just going to put it out there, that I completely understand not everyone can plan for next Christmas in January. You might have January birthdays to sort out, payday at the end of the month feels like a lifetime away or it just might not be your cup of tea. But, if you fancy planning ‘Next Christmas’ now, please have a read as I share my tips.
Plan Christmas early, enjoy December
I’m a busy mum of three – soon to be four. I work full time so running around in December trying to get everything sorted is just a no-go for me. With countless Christmas performances, assemblies, Christmas jumper days, grotto visits… time is against me. This is without planning activities for the cheeky elf-on-the-shelf that comes to visit us from 1st December. For my own sanity, I need to get Christmas ‘wrapped up’ as early as possible (yes, that pun was intended!).
Usually, I start planning as soon as September 1st hits the calendar and the summer holidays are finished, but I’m trying to be even more organised this year! Not only will I have a baby come 1st September but I’ve learnt that in January, Christmas is still fresh in my mind. I remember if I ran out of wrapping paper, cards, stamps – which I probably won’t remember later in the year – or even had to buy extra pigs-in-blankets (you can never have enough!). So I write my shopping list now and stash it away ready for next year. Saves me having to think about it in depth when the time to shop comes around. You may even want to buy your stamps now whilst the Christmassy ones are still at the post office! It also beats any price rises that may happen over the year!
I also top up my Christmas card and wrapping paper supplies in January, basically because they are massively discounted in January sales so it’s definitely worth stocking up and putting my store in the loft!
The same applies to Christmas decorations. Every year I say our decorations need a revamp as they’re looking a bit dreary. January is the perfect time to buy them as they are always on sale! You too may have discovered that your Christmas lights are on the blink or decorations are broken or getting too old. Don’t pack them away like this, hit the January sales!
January sales can save you lots of money for next Christmas
Talking about the Christmas sales, I also keep my out for Christmas gifts whilst I’m topping up my stationery stores! It’s hard to plan the main gifts so I’m not talking about buying toys in advance as children in particular, change their minds about what they want as often as they change their underwear. But I often find some great bargains for stocking fillers or on socks or smellies. Just keep an eye on any use by dates. This is a brilliant way to save money. If you have to post gifts, it means that you’re ready to meet any final postage dates – particularly if you have to send things overseas as the last guaranteed delivery date before Christmas seems to get earlier and earlier!
I’m also that parent that likes my whole family to wear matching PJs (pyjamas to some!) in the lead up to Christmas. It just adds to the excitement and my children adore seeing their dad and I all kitted out. But as I’ve found out over recent years, it can get quite expensive to buy five pairs of pyjamas in one hit, so buying them in January is a definite must.
Another great tip is to update your Christmas card list as you go. I fully appreciate that people move house or may even drop off the list during the year, but updating the list in January gives me a head start.
How can we help you?
I’ve shared some very simple actions that you can take to save you time and money when Christmas comes around again. I’ve found that planning ahead really does make a difference – not only to saving money but also lowering my stress levels at what is inevitably a very busy time.
Planning ahead and ticking actions off a to-do list is what all the Hour Hands elves do every single day of the year to help you and your business. It may be planning a party, scheduling your diary, managing your inbox or it may be reconciling invoices, paying suppliers and staff, or managing your expenses. Our work is all designed to take the pressure off you, giving you back time to focus on other things.
If you’d like to learn more about how I or any of the Hour Hands team can help you, your family or your business, do reach out to us. No request is too big, too obscure or too ‘mainstream’. We’re here to help.
Simply visit our website or call us on 01727 818262. We will ask how we can support you and offer a solution either on an hourly rate or package cost.