How we helped a local college stay in touch with students
Case Studies

How we helped a local college stay in touch with students

May 28, 2020 by Christine Frith
Keeping in touch with your customers is more important than ever at the moment. A local FE college used Hour Hands business support services to keep talking with their new…
Top 10 Outsourcing Tasks
Business Support

Top 10 Outsourcing Tasks

May 13, 2019 by Christine Frith
Outsourcing can be a lifesaver for small business owners, but often it’s hard to know which tasks you can safely hand to someone else. Christine Frith talks you through the…
Time for an office spring clean?!
Business Support

Time for an office spring clean?!

March 22, 2018 by Christine Frith
An increase of visible office clutter is making it harder for workers to be productive, according to research from the University of Princeton’s Neuroscience Institute. Safety is one concern, with…